The iDRN configuration program allows the user to configure the iDRN family of products: iDRN-FP, iDRN-PR, iDRN-ST, iDRN-TC, iDRN-RTD, iDRN-ACC, iDRN-ACV
Configuration is possible using either serial communication or Ethernet. When Ethernet is used, the configuration program is compatible with the EIS, EIS-2 and EIS-W.
The program was designed to either create a configuration as soon as the program is opened or read or write a device configuration. There is no defined borderline. If writing a configuration to a device, it is advisable to read first the device configuration so the device settings are loaded into the configuration program. Then make required modifications and write the configuration to the device.
The Program settings tab is used to select the communication mode, either serial or TCP/IP, and read or write configuration
The Modbus tab allows the user to read or write to the device using the Modbus protocol.